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3 days in and 6lb down!

Day 3. Today was great, unfortunately my period started early, I think due to the diet. I was aware that it could happen, as I have followed the diet before and it happened to me then as well. I believe it has something to do with the hormone oestrogen being found in your fat tissue, and losing weight quickly can upset the hormonal balance, or something like that anyway. SO, for the second day this week, I am on the painkillers, but the chalky ones, not the sugar coated ones, so it doesn’t affect my state of ketosis.

On that note, ketosis that is, I peed on a urine stick today and found that my body was now in ketosis. The result on the stick showed that I had ‘moderate to large’ signs of ketosis. For this information, I was going by the sticker with the varying levels of ketosis colours, stuck to my plan pack, provided by my consultant, Julie. Basically, this means that my body is now using my fat stores as the primary energy source for everything my body does during the day and night. Horrah!!

Also, my weight. I couldn’t help but see if this state of ketosis was now helping me quickly shed the pounds, so I hopped on the scales. To my absolute delight, I had lost 5lb and was now 16stone dead. In 3 days!!!??? Having spoken to my consultant, she advised me that this first week, the majority of the weight loss showing would be down to water loss, which I was holding on to, but from next week, each 1lb off the scales, would be a pound of fat from my body. Great news! Regardless of this information, I still found the 5lb weight loss in 3 days to be extremely motivating.

I have felt good today, I have kept busy with creating my website and blog, (which is also driving me insane!). I use my laptop all the time, creating various things for school, work, personal use, but I am not as IT literate as I thought I was!!) I am currently writing my blog on a google document, in the hopes that I can copy and paste it all over once its working properly! Time will tell……….

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